watermarkme.io is a simple tool where you can add your logo on your image. You can then adjust some settings like the position, the scale, the rotation and the opacity. When you are happy with that, you can export the image in 3 differents format : JPG, PNG and GIF
The idea
When I want to post a picture on twitter/instagram/website, I want to add my logo on it. I have always used the « standard » method : open gimp, add my image and my logo on it an export all. It always take time and when you don’t have Gimp or anything else, it can be complicated to make that process with your phone.
That’s why I have developed watermarkme for the last 3-4 months in my spare time.
- The v.1.0 was a test in pure VanillaJS and HTML/CSS. Then I have received some feedbacks and someone said « it would be cool to add a Gif on an image ».
- That was really challenging and the v.2 came was published. It’s not perfect and I need to improve that.
- The version 3 was the « ultimate » one for 2021: I have learned VueJS and tried to switch the project to this framework and… It’s seems to work 🙂

The tool
watermarkme.io is online. If you have any idea or feedback, don’t be shy 🙂