A different way to paint on your field while playing

Prefabs Spawner gives you the ability to quickly place prefabs on your terrain in Game mode and saving them in the Edit mode with a simple click.

Two scripts to place and you are ready to design your scene. Useful for designing forest or rocky areas

You can adjust various settings for the Prefabs Spawner script like the velocity of the launched object, the fire rate and even the prefab that need to be destroyed if it fall forever.
You can add any prefabs you want via a list. Each prefab have it owns settings:

  • Fixed rotations
  • Location in the Hierarchy tab
  • The offset in the Y axis
  • Scale
  • The tags the prefab can collide with to spawn



Unity Assets Store: https://u3d.as/2Kvv
Gumroad: https://protokollstudio.gumroad.com/l/ecnnb